L’Aegis est un secours au top niveau, produit avec les meilleurs matériaux du marché actuel. Sa coupole est dessinée de telle sorte qu’elle développe un taux de chute exceptionnelement bas pour sa taille, moyennant une stabilité absolue, comparé aux autres secours du marché à taille égale. Chaque dixième de seconde de taux de chute gagné est un argument de sécurité incontestable pour vous protéger de graves blessures d’impact au sol. L’usage du textile Porcher sport 9082 „zero porosité“ nous a considérablement aidé à la conception de ce secours, au rapport poids/ efficacité optimal, et au temps d’ouverture réduit.
Aegis | 30 | 33 | 38 | 63 | |
Surface | [m2] | 30 | 33 | 38 | 63 |
Suspentes | 18 | 24 | 24 | 20 | |
Poids | [kg] | 1.95 | 2.3 | 2.5 | 4.2 |
Volume du pack | [ccm] | 6350 | 6800 | 8600 | 9700 |
Poids Pilote PTV | [kg] | 95 | 105 | 125 | 225 |
Taux de chute | [m/s] | 5.0 | 5.0 | 5.4 | 5.2 |
Always choose a correct size of the rescue system. Nowadays it is fashionable to use the smallest and lightest rescue parachutes. Very often, the pilot is on the top of the certified weight range and sometimes above it. Remember that its theoretical rate of descent is calculated for sea level. The rate of descent will be much higher at 2,500 m. If the landing area is not ideal, the consequences of hard landing could be severe.
For it to open reliably, perfect and regular packing is essential. To assure this it is important to air and repack the reserve every 12 months. If the reserve is damp you must air and repack it as the material may “stick“.
After test and emergency openings, mechanical damage or after 2 years a thorough check must be made. Even used correctly the material can be prone to damage.
Packing yourself: please only pack the reserve yourself, if you really know how to do this! We very often get “self packed“ reserves that would never have opened up in an emergency case.
If you pack the reserve yourself, please use the producers rubber rings and renew them with each packing.
Fitting of the harness has to be done according to the harness’ operating instructions. Even better - leave it to the profesionals.
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